I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Goal setting night

As opposed to my goal setting days, I am starting my evening of with a list of goals.

- one load of dishes, maybe two? yeah, I only did one load
- kids bathed, and bedtime routine done
- e-mail check and send did on Thursday
- avoid girlie movies thanks to Ang coming over, chick flicks were avoided. yes!
- at least 3 loads of laundry Done, time to do a happy dance
- work and make my computer printable semi-complete, computer still not printable

Bonus for the night was pulling out the bread maker and setting the timer on it so we would have fresh bread for breakfast. Mmm delicious. Best idea I have had in a while.

for one night I think this can be done.

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