I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Feeling accomplished

Tonight I:

* did the girl's entire bedtime routine; which is changing the girls into pj's, brushing their teeth, reading one of the world's longest bedtime stories, prayers, water change, care bear stare, and then finally leaving them to fall asleep.

* washed, dried, folded and put away 3 loads of laundry

* washed two loads of dishes

* made 2 dozen muffins using a recipe I created from scratch

* watched Corner Gas and Little Mosque on the Prairie and other various shows

* mended, I mean preformed surgery, Pooky Bear's bunny.

* visited facebook several times through out the night.

* blogged.

I can't wait for Pooky bear to wake up to realize her Bunny's surgery went well and Little monkey's reaction to having muffins for breakfast. I love being a mom!


Queen of West Procrastination said...

The bedtime routine now includes a Care Bear Stare? That's fantastic. Is is related to how PB pulls the curtains over her bed post so that the Care Bears can get into her dreams?

crazy mom said...

Hee Hee Hee! Care bear stare involves making LM's cheer bear glow in the dark on her tummy. Then you have to line up 5 care bears up in a row and say, "5,4,3,2,1" Then LM yells, "Care bear stare!" It is incredibly cute to see.

PB no longers wishes for care bears to get into her dreams, now it is all about Scooby dobie doo! She now needs a night light on to help scooby see in the dark.

My children have facinating immaginations.