I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It is some-what official

Chad 98% has a new job he starts Monday. Reason we don't know 100% is the person who wants to hire him offered the job to him on the phone and he is going for a "formality" interview on Friday, but starts on Monday. The job is working with a printing company which makes books etc. I think it is cool, he will be getting wages similar to Inland and there is no crazy shift work like other jobs he has tried since then. Yeah!

My life right now has been a little crazy looking for a babysitter who is close to Pawson school or Dr Hanna. I am hopeful I can find one which will accommodate my few hours needed of babysitting. We shall see. I am so excited about Chad working, I will make it work. God will help me find a way, he always does.

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