I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm a Timbit too!

I am now the official coach for the Timbits' North Zone Soccer Rider Team 4 and under category. No one else wanted the job, so of course I volunteered! The awesome thing is now I know all of the children's names and had them cheering (in unison), "GO RIDERS, GO!" It was great.

My Pooky bear did better this game. She actually played each of her turns right until the last minute where she decided she was tired and just stopped playing, so I sent in another player for the last minute, she cried so hard about me sending in someone else. Oh well, she has to learn. On her defense she had her first sleep over at her friends house last night which ended up in an awake over. Then she had to come to soccer in the morning with her friends with no nap before hand.

She had fun though at the awake over, I on the other hand missed her like crazy. I kept asking Chad if we should go over there to say good night, or at least call her. He had the level head to remind me it might agitate Pooky bear about us not being there. I did sneak in a call at 9 to find out how they went to bed though. Apparently at 4 am they woke up and would not go back to sleep until 6 am. Pooky bear had such big bags in her eyes in the morning!

You know she's really tired when she asked to have a nap when we got home. I think we will settle back into our routine pretty easy after her nap. I don't think we have another awake over for a while now, especially because it is our turn to host it next!

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