I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Just when you think....

Just when you think things can't get crazier, they do. My husband broke a bone in his hand this afternoon, the same hand I fractured my wrist in. Him and I are the cute couple right now with matching splints and tensers. Only difference is he has to go for surgery tomorrow. CRAZY!

It was 10:30pm when we finally got home. Chad and I arrived at the hospital at 5:30p.m. Too bad we didn't go at 5:00 a.m in the morning when the e.r. is dead. Oh well. I haven't been able to find a babysitter for tomorrow for a surgery we have no clue what time they will book it for. Sorry for my venting, but ARGH! Things were hard enough with just me having a fractured bone in my wrist, now Chad. I am at a loss for positive thinking, even though I know God can get us through.

I keep thinking about how dirty my house is going to get, my wrist is already hurting to no end because I had to do the lifting Chad normally does. ARGH!


O.K., now I feel better. Thanks for the vent/scream. I am going upstairs now to make sure Chad eats something now because he can't eat past midnight. Maybe tomorrow I will finish the book Q.W.P gave me in the waiting room. That would be a good thing, provided I find a babysitter.....O.k, I am not going to stress over this, God will work it out, He always does.


Cinder said...

Man alive...I'm sorry! I would offer to take your kids, but when I got home Saturday, Little Miss had puss coming out of her eyes, was coughing and had a fever. So she's still home from school today and I don't want to share the wealth with anyone else, 'cause that wouldn't be very nice!

"I am at a loss for positive thinking, even though I know God can get us through."

That's where I am right now. I've got my arms up the air, waving the white flag, saying, "Enough already!" I know He'll get us through, but it's becoming increasing hard to see the positive. I might very well be back at the doctor by tonight or tomorrow...I am just praying for a little reprive.

I will be praying for you both and especially for Chad and the surgeon performing his surgery.

Blessings, love and prayers to you and yours.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Oh, crazymommy! How have things turned out? How are you guys? I've been totally out of the loop these past few days, for obvious reasons.

And I can also sympathise with that same line as Cinder did. That was how I was exactly a week ago. Where all you can do is hold on, but you can't fathom how you can handle any more. (I'll be praying for some reprieve for both you and Cinder.)

Cinder said...

I've been thinking about you guys. I hope all went well with the surgery. I'm here for you in whatever way you need!

Thx so much for the prayers QWP...