I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

More on just when you think...

I am not going to scream this time, just vent. I promise.

Warning: my writing is may not make perfect sense, I am too tired and drugged up to be worried about my grammar.

My Friday was really good, I babysat, went shopping for a few things, went out for coffee with a friend, came home and e-mailed a few other friends, then sickness hit me. my abdomen was in excruciating pain and I was nauseous....I won't get into the rest. So, needled to say I ended up in the e.r once again. I was had a bowel obstruction which I don't want to begin to describe what happens when you have one. I didn't get home until 12:00 p.m. the next day. While Chad and I were at the hospital my pooky bear had an upset stomach all night. She didn't become better until 7:00 a.m Saturday.

So, I missed my Mom's birthday, Pooky Bear, Little monkey and I were actually all sleeping when it started. We missed church because we are still all recuperating. Little monkey showed symptoms of having a cold when she woke up this morning. At least she is not having an upset stomach.

My house continues to be a disaster and we keep praying things will settle down. I am thankful for family day tomorrow, because we are in no shape to be having two extra toddlers for the day.

Right now I think I am going to make some tea for Chad and I. We will relax while my girls play in the living room.

"...so on the seventh day he rested from all his work"
Genesis 2:2

That is what we will do too!

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