I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Things to do today

- At least 3 loads of laundry including folding and putting away (I will do this)

- pack some of Celeste's clothes she no longer fits away (She has more clothes than Chad and I combined)

- wash Celeste's dishes (the rest can wait until tonight)

- give "Pooky Bear" a bath, and maybe our "little monkey" as well

- make sure through out the day no one is hungry (this can be a tedious task as both girls are in the middle of a growth spirt)

- get myself, and the girls dressed before 3 p.m. (today I will make it!)

- work on our budget for the next 3 months (Argh!)

- play with Kira and Celeste (it's always fun to pretend I am little again)

- start cleaning "mommy and daddy's messy room" (to get Kira off our backs!)

- start supper (I'm thinking chicken?)

- call Kyla (she wants to come to the cabin with us tomorrow for a day trip)

- turn ringer off to help me stay on task (as long as I remember to keep checking the phone to see who called)

We will see how much I get done!

1 comment:

Queen of West Procrastination said...

The ringer-shut-off part: good idea. Sometimes it's so necessary to do that, to stay focused on work. You know, I'd almost recommend that sometime you get something like Message Manager, because then people also will just leave a message and wait for you to get back to them, instead of trying and trying and trying and trying. (Or at least it'll help some.)