I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Things you forget in a rush

Things I forgot at the cabin:

- 3/4 of our fresh food and a lot of dry/canned food.

- 3/4 of Kira's summer wardrobe including underwear

- Celeste's bouncy chair

- Most of Kira's favourite toys, but thankfully we remembered her "baby"

- My favourite sandals and shoes

- all of Celeste's bottles and food including formula. (thank goodness I breast feed)

- Kira's favourite movies including, "Little Mermaid" (I'm not entirely missing that one!)

- baby bath and water toys

Along with these things and numerous other things means another trip to the lake very soon. I don't think we will be staying over night, but it will be good to pick up our things.

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