I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Another week end with lessons learnt

- Tripping up the stairs can result in a possible bone fracture in your wrist

- The side effects of such a fall may not be present immediately.

- The e.r. is empty at 5:00 a.m. on a Sat morning

- Tylenol 3 on an empty stomach is not a good combination

- It is good to plan an e.r. trip in accordance to your daughters 1st birthday party.

- My brother is an awesome shoveler

- Even though it is your daughter's first birthday, doesn't mean she has to stay awake for it.

- Doing things with one hand is not easy, but it can be accomplished

- Wacking the battery in your car can help start your car. Not guaranteed to work every time.

- Trying not to use my hand is easier said than done.

- Changing a baby's diaper with minimal hand usage is hard.

- Three toddlers needing their food cut would not be possible with out my Pampered Chef Food Chopper.

- UPS is faster than they tell you.

- Having kids help you sometimes makes it worse

- Pain can affect how patient one is.

- Taking a step back for a break is O.K. under controlled conditions.

- I have learnt I appreiate my husband so much more when he comes home since I have become more dependant on him.

- Losing some of my independance sucks!

*Biggest lesson of all *****never***** trip up the stairs when you are in a hurry, always be careful when using stairs!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Who do I look like?

It interesting spending a childhood thinking you are an ugly duckling wait to grow up to having your own child and realizing how cute I was as a child. Your self esteem is greatly affected after having a child look like a "mini-me" I view things a lot differently now. I want both my girls to know how beautiful they are inside and out. This is not an easy task as you don't want the girls to be too self centered, but still you want them to have the confidence neccesary to succeed in life. The pastor at our church conducted his sermon on Sunday based around confidence. He talked about getting the confidence from God. That is my goal to teach my girls confidence from God to do His will. I can't wait to see the outcome from the girls!

I did it!

My Little monkey just took THREE consecutive steps today by herself!!!
Just thought I'd share!
I love how this picture illustrates victory.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

thought for the day

“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.”
Zig Ziglar

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A crazy week

This week has been a little emotional. My husband is about to turn his life around, and he doesn't even realize it. One of my best friends dad is in the hospital and her grandma (her dad's mom) pasted away the same week. Because of all of this, I have been praying like crazy. I have never been like this before. I just feel the need to pray all the time this week. There is so much to process and yet so much peace that comes with it.

Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this.
Psalms 37:3-5
If the LORD delights in a man's way,
he makes his steps firm;
though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
I was young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
or their children begging bread.
They are always generous and lend freely;
their children will be blessed.
Psalm 37:23-26
This scripture was highlighted to me today. It stands true to all I have gone through these last few weeks, not to mention years. It is something my husband and I need to follow and take comfort in.

Monday, January 08, 2007

What do you think?

I was watching an old eighties movie with my hubby, as we normally do when he picks the movie, and in the movie came a thought I was very much interested in.

"No one wins a fight."

Interesting food for thought.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A crazy Christmas

I have not posted for a while because illness fell upon our house right around Christmas. Pooky bear and I are the only ones left still sick. I have been to the doctor's office 5 times during the holidays and one visit to the hospital. Fortunately this made for a quiet Christmas. I did learn a few things this Christmas holiday though:

1) A hot oven rack will melt carpet

2) When you ask in-laws to come over an hour later because of illness and the delay in getting supper ready, they will show up an hour early to "visit".

3) When the reception desk at the doctor's clinic informs you the wait is an hour and a half, prepare for 2 hours.

4) Expect to run into people you have not seen for years at the doctor's office when you are looking your worst.

5) Extra Strength Ibprophen and Benylin cold and flu cause me to be very loopy

6) My oldest daughter loves to go the church at bed time

7) Don't have your carpets cleaned right after Christmas because before hand you do a lot of cleaning which creates extra garbage which can not be disposed of imediately as the garbage bins are already over-flowing.

8) Don't have your carpets cleaned if you are getting the flu

9) It's wonderful to have your husband home to help when you are sick.

10) Who ever's sicker, gets to rest -quite often this was me

11) missing boxing day shopping was not the end of the world

12) When you get your carpets cleaned it is a great time to down size the amount of toys your children accumulated.

13) Having a quiet new years with my husband and I playing games is my favourite way to bring in the new year, we did this last year and I was reminded how much I loved it.

14) It's going to be Ok to send cards late this year. Well, at least in my eyes it is.

15) My cat doesn't mind getting her hair cut.

The list could probably go on, but these are the highlights. I hope all who read this had a wonderful holiday and have a happy new year!