I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A crazy Christmas

I have not posted for a while because illness fell upon our house right around Christmas. Pooky bear and I are the only ones left still sick. I have been to the doctor's office 5 times during the holidays and one visit to the hospital. Fortunately this made for a quiet Christmas. I did learn a few things this Christmas holiday though:

1) A hot oven rack will melt carpet

2) When you ask in-laws to come over an hour later because of illness and the delay in getting supper ready, they will show up an hour early to "visit".

3) When the reception desk at the doctor's clinic informs you the wait is an hour and a half, prepare for 2 hours.

4) Expect to run into people you have not seen for years at the doctor's office when you are looking your worst.

5) Extra Strength Ibprophen and Benylin cold and flu cause me to be very loopy

6) My oldest daughter loves to go the church at bed time

7) Don't have your carpets cleaned right after Christmas because before hand you do a lot of cleaning which creates extra garbage which can not be disposed of imediately as the garbage bins are already over-flowing.

8) Don't have your carpets cleaned if you are getting the flu

9) It's wonderful to have your husband home to help when you are sick.

10) Who ever's sicker, gets to rest -quite often this was me

11) missing boxing day shopping was not the end of the world

12) When you get your carpets cleaned it is a great time to down size the amount of toys your children accumulated.

13) Having a quiet new years with my husband and I playing games is my favourite way to bring in the new year, we did this last year and I was reminded how much I loved it.

14) It's going to be Ok to send cards late this year. Well, at least in my eyes it is.

15) My cat doesn't mind getting her hair cut.

The list could probably go on, but these are the highlights. I hope all who read this had a wonderful holiday and have a happy new year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We too were overcome by illness this Christmas...actually started before, as Big Mister missed his last day of school before vacation. Tried really hard to not have my mom and dad get it, but they too ended up with awful colds once they got back home. I tried hard to not get whatever they all had, but it's now catching up with me...we're still not over it, but things are beginning to get a little better.

Little Mister and I spent 2 1/2 hours in the doctor's office the other night...they didn't even give us a time though...simply said it was going to be a LONG wait. He fell asleep and then had quite an interesting checkup, as he wasn't really with it.

We too enjoyed a quiet New Year's at home. There's something special about bringing in the New Year as a family.

I decided before Christmas that I was going to be sending out cards/letters after Christmas. I figure you get so much beforehand and it might be a little surprise to have some Happy New Year cheer come in the mail.

I hope you'll all be better really soon...blessings to you and yours!