I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Have I fallen off the face of this earth?

It seems I have had no time to check in on my blog, or other blogs for that matter. My time has been crazy busy with my family including a day trip out to the lake to cut grass. Hurray for having the cabin ready to use for the summer! Today, we were actually going to go out to the lake for the day, however, the weather said "no". So today, I am going to bury myself in house work and do some errands that need to be done (specifically, set up for discovery land at church). I am normally good at not leaving it to the last minute, however, this week has been so crazy, I had to leave it until now. Oh well.

On another note, tomorrow Chad and I will be official members at our church. I've been attending the church for the last 9 years (Chad 6 years), however, I struggled with the idea I would be tied down to one denomination. I thought I was a Christian, that should be enough. I have now since lost that idea and choose to support the church I go to and declare that to the entire church. I will still not refer to myself as free-Methodist, but as a Christian, when asked about my religious background. But it feels good to know that my church is officially my "home church". There will be a BBQ after and then we have a birthday party to go to. Yeah for fun business!

On a Chad update: we are still praying for a suitable job for him. I know God has the perfect job planned for Chad, we just have to be patient and wait for the job to open up. We are in God's hands and there is no other place to be!


Jill said...

Congrats on church membership. I ponder this often. The church we attend now really values membership. The church I grew up in didn't prioritize it as much. I'm putting it off for a bit but, I realize that it's bound to happen sooner or later. Good for you for making things "official".
Trev and I are on the continual job hunt as well. Keep persisting. God has a plan for you and Chad... He's also got His own timing.

crazy mom said...

Thanks Jill,
I am happy to report Chad has an interview/start work day tomorrow. All rite plumbling and heating called him today (he sent his resume to them 2 weeks ago) and they want him to come in tomorrow morning before shift starts to determin a good place for him to be in the company. SCORE!
I will uplift you and Trevor in prayer for jobs. It is awesome being in Gods hands!
(Have you checked in with A.R.C. at all for a summer job?)