I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I just experienced the realization that my lifestyle is going to be significantly different now that Chad has a new job. His 3:30pm-3:30am shift is going to throw a switch into my sleeping in routine. Chad and I have always rotated who got to sleep in and who had to get up with the kids. Now, I am going to be the one to get up with them, and be the one to put them to bed. I am thinking that I am going to have to start having the girls sleep in, so I can too!

I am happy he has a job where he is still going to be home everyday. Plus, I am loving the idea of him having a long week end every week end. Still, I love, love, sleeping in. On the week ends, Chad is going to keep his sleep schedule as it would be if he was working, this way his body will not have a hard time adjusting each Monday. We will see if this works.

I know this is a very selfish vent, and I know I am going to be fine with out sleeping in. None the less, I needed a good vent about it.

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