I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I'm it!

Jill tagged me, so here I go:

I need to list 5 unusual things about me

1. I have a gag reflex at the sight or even mention of saliva. How I survived my 2 daughters, only God knows!

2. I display O.C.D. tendencies when it comes to things needing to be closed. This can be cupboards, books, or even decorative zippers on a sweater. I can not rest until what ever needs to be closed is shut.

3. I sometimes pronounce "don't" as "doe-ant" when I am quickly attempting to stop my husband's joking nature.

4. I think I am one of the few people who does NOT like cherries. My dislike for them started when I was a child. I was prescribed cherry medicine for all my ear infections, which were many.

5. I detest pickles on my hamburgers. I am not a fan of pickles to begin with, but having a pickle on my hamburger, ruins the flavour of the hamburger for me.

OK, so there is my top five list, which I realize I could have probably counted ten of them. Oh well!
Now time to tag:



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