I am a mom who is learning to adapt everyday to the challenges of raising two daughters.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A busy week

The week for me has been over-whelming with emotions. Pooky Bear started her first day of Pre-school. I can't believe it. I took her out on the weekend and got her a new "pack-pack", new runners, lunch bag ("mommae! It's not a lunch box it's a bag"), and a new outfit for the first day of school. (I am getting more school clothes this weekend).

It seemed so wired having a child in pre-school. I never expected to feel this way. I took 7 pictures of her with in 5 minutes. I was so excited about her starting school I completely forgot that I volunteered to be the parent helper for the first day of school. Oh well, it worked out beautifully because I have the best baby in the world! Little monkey slept and sat in the car seat for an hour, then enjoyed sitting and watching all the kids play with and around her. It was a wonderful day!

I found myself only wanting to talk to people who were actually excited about Pooky bear starting school. I didn't quite understand why some of my friends weren't excited. It is a big milestone in her life. But then I realized some of my friends don't have kids that age, so they don't quite have the realization that their baby is no longer a baby anymore. They'll soon learn.

Aside from that excitement, I FOUND MY CAMERA!!!! I have been missing it for a month now, and have already ordered a camera from e-bay to replace it. (It's my birthday gift) But I found it! It was in Little monkey's room in the bottom basket of her bassinet. A place I wouldn't have even thought to look for it, but I did look there this morning trying to find little monkey's fleece suit. I always seem to find things when I am looking for something else. I was so happy I found the camera, I forgot what I was originally looking for! Oh well.

In other news, I am now officially a soccer mom! I have been waiting to be a soccer mom since before I had kids. Auntie Mary and I used to go to my brother and sister's soccer games and I secretly wished one day I could be a soccer mom, complete with the chair and the ability to know every name on their child's team. Right now my chair can't be used as it is indoor soccer, but you better believe I will know all of Pooky bear's teamate's names by the end of the first game! She starts beginning of November and ends at the end of March. She will be playing in my old stomping grounds at Dr. Hanna gym. I can't wait. I

It's funny when I see parents who are sad when their children grow up, but I am the opposite, I am loving every minute of it, well, almost every minute of it. I want to be that parent who is driving their children to all these activities and participating when ever I can because I never had that. My parents were too busy with my siblings and still are busy with them. I always told myself, "if I ever have children, they are going to be treated equally, loved, respected, valued, trusted, and given all the support I possibly could." And that is what I strive to do.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

Now I'm going to get all weepy, that my baby (yes, I know she's your baby, but can I call her my baby? I've spent a significant amount of time bonding with her) is not only a preschooler, but also a soccer player!

Can I call myself a Soccer Godmom?

crazy mom said...

of course you can!